The Subpodcast

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Don't Make These Summer Compost Mistakes

Don't Make These Summer Compost Mistakes

We're busting common myths about composting during summer. Not sure how to take care of your compost system during the next heatwave? Our community has come up with some amazing solutions to deal...

Guest Episode | Ronni Kahn AO on Remembering the Value of Food

Guest Episode | Ronni Kahn AO on Remembering the Value of Food

Peter Critch sat down with Australian social entrepreneur Ronni Kahn AO. Ronni is best known as the founder and CEO of food charity OzHarvest.

Why Subpod Chose Worms

Why Subpod Chose Worms

Have you ever wondered why Subpod teamed up with compost worms? In this episode, we spill the beans.

The Secret World of Microbes (Beneath Your Feet)

The Secret World of Microbes (Beneath Your Feet)

We've talked about microbes as the invisible 'workers' of compost. Turns out, they have a much bigger role in life on Earth than you'd think. 

Compost 101: Everything You Need To Know About Compost

Compost 101: Everything You Need To Know About Compost

We explain the very basics of composting, using a real-world example. This really is everything you need to know to start composting! 

Compost Can Change the World

Compost Can Change the World

It's true! If enough people composted, you'd be surprised at what we could accomplish.